Thursday 7 July 2011

Sabrina Kamaruddin - Videography Head

By a shizload of fortune, I was called Sabrina. By misfortune however, I ceased to be known as that, and was bestowed upon an array of stubborn silly names. I became a Bachelor of Communications student by fate and epiphany: the death of a friend made me realize that the world is too much of an unhappy place to be doing Engineering or Medicine when you don't want to. Such is the unreality of life, but I like to have my left foot in a fantasy world that I created in the image of the Earth. This is my second Study Trip and despite Pathfinder Dr. Yeoh's advice, I will still attempt to ride an illegal motorcycle in Saigon, given that the Editor-in-Chief either 1) never rides with me; 2) cuts down on those Baklavas and loses some bloody weight.

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